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Onboarding Webinars

In this series of sessions, we will personally guide you through the software and go into all the features in detail. In addition to the functions of the editor, we will also show you how you can organise your assets in Mate, how you can best collaborate with your colleagues in a team and what collaboration with multiple workspaces can look like. The event is intended for all Mates who are already using the software but still need a few tips and tricks on how to use Mate. We look forward to seeing you there!

Trusted by international companies like

»Dank Mate befähigen wir bereits zahlreiche Tochtergesellschaften dazu, selbst Social-Media-Grafiken für ihre Kanäle zu erstellen. Dabei ist es für uns eine große Hilfe, dass Mate automatisch sicherstellt, dass die Inhalte immer im richtigen Look & Feel der jeweiligen REMONDIS-Marken sind.«

Anna Ephan – Corporate Communications @ REMONDIS

»Dank Mate können wir für hochwertige Social Media Posts für verschiedene Abteilungen produzieren. Wirklich jeder kann mit Mate arbeiten und wird auf Basis unserer individuellen Template Bibliothek zum Content Creator.«

Laura Voges – Head of Marketing & Communication @ STOCKMEIER Gruppe

Onboarding Webinars

In this series of sessions, we will personally guide you through the software and go into all the features in detail. In addition to the functions of the editor, we will also show you how you can organise your assets in Mate, how you can best collaborate with your colleagues in a team and what collaboration with multiple workspaces can look like. The event is intended for all Mates who are already using the software but still need a few tips and tricks on how to use Mate. We look forward to seeing you there!


Johanna Blevins

Onboarding Managerin

Trusted by international companies like