How to deliver real added value via your social media channels

Thinking outside the box instead of stewing in your own juice


Leonie Berghoff

Junior Marketing Manager

"We greet you from our in-house exhibition." "Another product sold!" "Our new products are now even more efficient." Be honest: we all know these posts on company pages in social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn. So, did you like, share or comment? Subscribed to the channel? Probably not.

There's nothing wrong with telling something about the company on social media channels or letting people see behind the scenes, showing the team. After all, a personal relationship with the readers should be built. The important thing is to move away from "we have, do, do" to what it means to your customers. Does it add value to them, or at least provide good entertainment? When it comes to the composition of topics for company blogs, LinkedIn & Co. only a certain part should be fed by "internal" content. Your fans will get added value if, for example, you share your exclusive expertise from your field and people can learn from you, get inspiration. Create an awareness of problems, offer solutions and assistance.

"Then, when a time comes when potential customers are faced with the decision to buy the relevant products or services, preference is often given to brands that have already helped users."

To provide lasting value, thinking outside the box is highly recommended - in other words, deliver editorial content on your topic area. What's happening in your industry? What are current trends and developments? External content is indispensable so that you don't end up "stewing in your own juices". In order to be perceived as a helpful expert in your field, sharing relevant knowledge and qualified opinions is more useful than, for example, sender-centric messages about company successes. Present yourself as a pioneer in your industry, highlighting news, trivia and current trending topics in your field. And communicate a point of view. This is how you convey content with added value. You focus on the content that interests your target groups, not on your products - and yet you are the one who communicates it. The mouthpiece, the contact person, the expert.

But we also know how difficult it is for some companies to create high-quality content for social media channels in the first place. This is mainly due to the fact that time and personnel resources are often limited and, of course, the know-how for the creation tools is also lacking.

With mate, we are developing a tool for exactly this reason, with which marketers can create agency-like content without any design effort and within a few minutes. Typical formats are statistics, employee presentations, facts, infographics, news and much more. But not only marketers can benefit from mate - as a whitelabel solution for clients and themselves, mate is also a tool for agencies to increase efficiency in content creation.

For more information about mate, please contact us.