Happy New Mate!
We’ve updated your experience!
We're really hitting it out of the park at the beginning of the year and have two updates for you! We are working daily to make your Mate experience even better. With the new updates you can expect a lot more flexibility!
Color up your Design.
We are colorful!
It's now possible to create a color scheme with multiple brand colors to create even more custom-fit post designs for your use cases.
We want to give you the opportunity to present your brand like a pro. Contact us now and add new colors to your company profile!
Hide your Input.
Blend out your elements now!
You don't want to show your logo on every post? No problem! You now have the option to show and hide individual elements. Simply hide the elements you don't need and show them again as soon as you need them. A button or logo is necessary in some cases, but may be annoying in others.
For these cases we now have a solution!
Log in to your profile now and test our new feature!
Have fun with the new updates!
heers, your mates✌️